What new Councillors will need to know

Posted on 20th April, 2023


This is Blog no 24


Last week, I predicted that victors in the 4th May local elections will face real challenges. 

Click here. 


Today in a short, two minute Video I explain what they need to hear.

Many local authorities have experienced Democratic Services teams, well accustomed to working with elected members


The advantage of using an 'outside' specialist is to hear a wider range of experience and offer someone who can answer questions in depth. Councillors - particularly new-elected ones, bring with them, not only a refreshing enthusiasm to engage with local communities but also much uncertainty about the key concepts.


Whilst a standard presentation - with opportunities for dialogue and debaye can offer suffice, I am happy to work with Counciols to configure a 'tailored' event that combines ConsultationGuRU materials with local policies and good practice so that local officials have the best opportunity to stress Council protocols and practice at the same time.


Contact me for a no-obligation discussion.

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