Speaking in Birmingham

Posted on 8th November, 2022


GRANICUS, suppliers to 400+ public bodies has held the first of three events called govCommunity live , and on behalf of the Consultation Institute, I have been speaking about Trust and Transparency.


It gave me the opportunity to explore some of the issues that affect trust in public bodies when they engage or consult. I discussed the role that transparency plays, and suggested five essential elements of transparency that all engagement and consultation exercises should include.

I was impressed by interesting presentations from Councils at Sandwell, Coventry, Gloucestershire and Wrexham. GRANICUS’ technology solutions are clearly relevant to all organisations seeking better public engagement, and with forthcoming difficult decisions affecting essential community services, it will be time to invest further in digital solutions.


See       https://view.ceros.com/granicus/events-govcommunity-live/p/1


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